What is Chi Nei Tsang and how can it help us release emotional tensions that are buried in our belly? Join Catherine Potter and her guest Peter Melnychuk, a body-centered therapist to find out how Chi Nei Tsang can get stagnant energy flowing.
Peter Melnychuk
It was 1996 when Peter first had his belly “unwound” it was profound. After a few more sessions of this abdominal touch therapy – Chi Nei Tsang – he noticed a significant improvement in his health. This gentle, precise visceral bodywork, centered on the internal organs (intestine, stomach, liver), effectively released physical and emotional tension and trauma.
Peter has dedicated himself to a search for the most effective global visceral healing practices. This began his training in both traditional and modern, eastern and western therapies. These studies have taken him throughout North America, and many times to India and Thailand.
His primary therapeutic training, in Visceral Manipulation (VM) and in Chi Nei Tsang (CNT), began 20 years ago. These practices are largely unfamiliar to the public, compared to more familiar practices such as massage & craniosacral therapy. More recently, Peter’s eclectic approach to healing has had him add other therapies to better help those with issues relating to the nerves & the brain (Neural Manipulation), stubborn tension & old injuries (Tok Sen), as well as allergies & food sensitivities (Total Body Modification).
Peter is a widely respected teacher in the field. He has also been an athlete all his life. Soccer, qigong, & more recently, bouldering has supplanted cycling and yoga as his favorite physical activities. Peter Melnychuk is dedicated to physical, emotional, spiritual fitness for himself and his clients.