From Reiki to gemstones and rocks! Find out how children’s author and coach, Lisa Fontanella, teaches adults and children how to tap into the energy within us and around us and use it for healing touch or a touchstone.
Lisa Fontanella
Lisa Fontanella is a Reiki master, metaphysical jewelry designer, holistic practitioner and certified Life Coach. Lisa is the proud author of the children’s chapter book, “Crystal’s Quest: An adventure into the world of gemstones”. This sweet and educational book was honored as a finalist in the Children’s Mind/Body/Spirit category of the 2019 International Book Awards. You can never have too many rocks! That is Lisa’s motto. Her fascination with rocks has taken on many forms, much like the rocks she holds so dearly. She creates jewelry using gemstones, writes stories for children about the wonders of rocks, and gets so excited when she sees a type of rock she has never seen before. A wannabe rock-hound, Lisa loves learning about rocks, their properties and feeling their energy.