Join Catherine Potter and Rayne Johnson, a death doula, for a conversation about a mindful, creative and caring approach for end of life.
Rayne Johnson
Rayne Johnson is a Death Doula, founder of Doing Deathcare Differently and Tear Cups. She is a graduate of the Contemplative End-of-Life program at Naropa University, Boulder, Co. She sits on the Board for Alberta Hospice Palliative Association With over 35 years of experience as a massage and reiki therapist and many years working in Palliative care, she understands the importance of helping to ease the journey for the dying person as well as the family. Besides being passionate as a speaker, she teaches Palliative Massage and Aromatherapy for End-of-life Care. She is an advocate for Home Funerals and Green Burials, as well as hosts the innovative Death Chats. Rayne was called to be a death doula when her very close friend designed her own death story. This experience shaped an out-of-the-box way of planning and caring, at the bedside and after death.