August 12, 2019

Create Healthy Energetic Boundaries!

Do you think you have healthy boundaries? It is easy to see a physical boundary such as an open or closed door but what about the energetic boundaries we can't see? What happens when our physical and emotional boundaries weren't respected when we were young or when trauma has affected them? Tune in and learn how to become aware of your and other people's energetic boundaries.
July 29, 2019

Personal and Archetypal Dreams

Have you ever wondered what your odd, intriguing and sometimes scary dreams mean? Is it possible that our dreams are giving us valuable information to help us in our life? Would you like to build a better relationship with your dreamer and learn how to interpret the language of dreams? Tune in and learn about the fascinating world of dreams!
July 1, 2019

Can Making Changes in Your Home Change Your Life?

If you walked into your home as though you were a stranger and took a look around what do you think it says about you? Does it reflect who you are now? Is it a tired house, happy house, healthy house? Join Catherine and her guest Feng Shui specialist Skye MacLachlan and find out how making changes in your home can help you make changes in your life.