Do you think you have healthy boundaries? It is easy to see a physical boundary such as an open or closed door but what about the energetic boundaries we can’t see? What happens when our physical and emotional boundaries weren’t respected when we were young or when trauma has affected them? Tune in and learn how to become aware of your and other people’s energetic boundaries.
Jonathan Hooton
Jonathan studies the effects of neurobiology, unresolved trauma, family dynamics, shame, double binds, ancestral energies, guilt, shame and victim-perpetrator dynamics on personal energetic boundaries. Jonathan was initially trained as a biochemist, gaining a B.A. and a Ph.D., and followed a career in scientific research for many years. Over the past 30 years, he has explored many healing modalities and has taken professional trainings in energy work (Reiki, Touch for Health, Brain Gym), embodied therapies (Integrative Body Psychotherapy, Somatic Experiencing trauma therapy, pre and perinatal development), Philosophical counseling and Family and Systemic Constellations from international teachers. Jonathan has a private practice offering sessions for individuals, couples and families, and conducts 20 day systemic constellations facilitator trainings. He brings a wealth of experience when working with clients and students in an empowering, holistic way.