
The purpose of a hypnotherapy session is to help a person understand and release the root cause of emotions and patterns that inhibit their ability to create a more nourishing and fulfilling life.

These patterns can start in early environment, the womb, past lives or be passed down through our ancestors.

By looking at a situation from the perspective and clarity of who we are now, we begin to free ourselves from a loop that keeps us locked into the pain or glory of the past.

From that place of clarity, we begin to realize that we have access to many resources and in any situation there are a variety of choices open to us.

Whenever we release a burden/perspective from the past, it opens up the possibility for a better integrated, potentially more enriching future.

I went to the field that a famous Sufi poet spoke of
the one beyond the idea of right doing and wrong doing.
I got turned upside down and couldn’t right myself
I paused to catch my breath
tired from the struggle of trying to get back up
and while upside down
in the place in between
my heart emptied its sorrow.

© Catherine Potter