How do yoga and the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty correlate to “waking up” and living consciously? Tune in as Catherine and her guest Beth McCann explore the body-mind practices of Yoga, Hakomi, The Enneagram and of course their connection to Sleeping Beauty.
Beth McCann
Teaching has been a major thread and passion in Beth McCann’s life. She has a Bachelor of Education and is a certified Yoga teacher, a certified Hakomi practitioner and a previous president of The Yoga Association of Alberta. As well as teaching yoga classes, retreats and outreach programs Beth along with her students collaborated in self-publishing a yoga book titled “Restorative Yoga”. Her journey included teachings in the areas of Yoga, Hakomi, the Enneagram, Chi Gong and Vipassana Meditation. Beth presently offers weekly classes, weekend retreats in Banff, yoga summer intensives, and classes for the Teacher Training Program of the YAA.